Effective Error Correction in Grammar Classes: A Students’ Perspective
Rana Abdulrahman Almuhimedi, Prof.Dr. Yousif A. Alshumaimeri

This study investigated the impact of successful grammatical error correction among EFL students in Saudi Arabia, addressed the issues associated with correcting students’ mistakes, and grammar students’ preferences regarding error correction. Descriptive analytical approach using quantitative research methods and a questionnaire to collect data from 304 female students at the third secondary grade in Riyadh was employed. The findings revealed that grammar correction helped students in language learning and in understanding and remembering the correct answer. Problems such as teachers spending too much time on error correction during class time, excessive us of Arabic language in English classes, and frustration among students when they make too many errors. However, students preferred immediate correction of grammatical mistakes and preferred written (coded) correction of their mistakes. Recommendations included the need for teachers to employ relevant error correction methods of correction, taking into consideration students’ age, wishes, interests, and language proficiency levels.

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