Effectiveness of Professional Development on English and Literature Teachers in Selected Schools in Tharaka-Nithi and Meru County, Kenya
Dr. Mercy Wanja Njagi, Dr. Colomba Kaburi Muriungi, Christine Atieno Peter

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of professional development programs aimed at enhancing skills for teaching the integrated English and literature curriculum in secondary schools in Kenya. Questionnaires were administered to teachers of English and Literature in selected schools in Tharaka-Nithi and Meru County. The study showed that although majority of the respondents were experienced teachers, not all received pre-service training for both English and Literature, and thus the need for professional development programs. It was noted that all the teachers sampled had attended professional development courses and the content covered in the training was relevant to the demands of the integrated curriculum. There is however a need for such programs to take longer sessions, and follow-ups should be made on the teachers who attend the training so that the educators can note areas that need attention and the difficulties the teachers experience while teaching.

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